Wisdom Teeth Removal in barrie, on

Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental procedure involving the surgical extraction of the third molars, known as wisdom teeth. Not everybody needs their wisdom teeth removed, nor does everyone have wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are one of the most common teeth that people are born without. If you do have them, these teeth often cause complications due to their size, position, or lack of space in the mouth. Wisdom teeth are rarely used in the mouth and often come in poor positioning so they often cause trouble more than they may benefit you. Get a comprehensive check-up if you are wondering if you need your wisdom teeth removed before they start bothering you.
Yonge Forest Dental offers sedation options to ensure a comfortable and pain-free wisdom tooth removal experience.
What is the recovery period like?
Recovery may involve swelling and temporary discomfort, but proper post-operative care ensures healing. Generally, the swelling and discomfort are well controlled under the medication that is provided for aftercare and can be kept comfortable. The only two prohibited activities include drinking with a straw and smoking as they may cause a painful post-surgery complication called “dry socket’ which involves dislodged blood clots from the wisdom tooth socket. This means there are no restrictions on activities such as driving, eating, working, or going back to school on the same day although rest is recommended to maximize the recuperation period.
My wisdom teeth don’t hurt, do I need them out?
Often times wisdom teeth don’t come in until the age of 20s but they rarely become a problem until many decades later. If they don’t cause any issues now or don’t hurt, why should anybody remove wisdom teeth? A lot of the times when wisdom teeth are hurting, it involves inflammation around partially erupted wisdom teeth that are not in all the way or potentially even fully hiding underneath the gum. If we foresee that wisdom teeth will become a problem in the future, we recommend removing them before the problem arises because once you are past the age of 30s, your jawbone completes its growth and starts to densify. Once the jawbones become dense, they will lock in the wisdom teeth tighter, and it will be more traumatic to remove wisdom teeth later stage of your life. This is why we generally recommend removing wisdom teeth in your 20s, especially before the age of 25 as the younger you are the higher your body’s healing ability is. Contact us through our phone, email, or website to book an appointment today to further discuss your wisdom teeth and more!
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